Saturday, 11 November 2017

Co ordination with sister Departments while working for concealed HVAC installation

While I am carrying out HVAC ducting installation, I see electric guys with their own layout in their hands. I saw building management guys with their walls and reflected ceiling layouts.

 So co ordination with them at site is of immense importance. Only combination drawing, displaying each discipline area is not suffice. It practically happened that my HVAC duct was passing through the same area where Electric cable duct tray was to pass. Although height distance of cable duct is low around 15 cm, but due to lack of height available at site , I was facing the problem and how to rectify it in less time is the point where a Mechanical Engineer jumps in . It’s a  crisis management and we cannot neglect it. 
It’s not only interaction of Building construction with the Duct and Electrical Lines
It’s also
·         interaction of Fire fighting system lines interaction with electric lines
·         interaction of Duct with fire fighting pipes
·         interaction of cable tray with electric power lines
·         interaction  of electric power lines with HVAC Duct

Common mistakes come into my notice such like the picture below


So unless there is a well communicated move by the parties , it’s not possible that every action could be smoothly done. Neither even the most experienced Architects are not capable enough to produce 100% synchronization in Layout copies

In the end all anomalies that happens in a project goes to the Project Manager as a blame on it. So primarily he is the one who is to maintain an environment of good communication among workers and supervisors


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